STEM Career Day
Twenty-five guest speakers in STEM careers spoke to our students today in all math and science classes. We are grateful to the alumni, parents, and friends of GCC who volunteered to share their experiences with our students.
Athletic Event Tickets
Tickets for home football and basketball games are available from Hometown Tickets. You can download the app or purchase tickets through this site.
Schedule Change Requests
After viewing the schedules, you may have questions or changes you’d like to make. To better serve you before the first day of school, our guidance counselors will be available to meet with students individually on August 15 and 16 to address schedule issues. To avoid congestion and unnecessary delays, we have asked that you come during […]
New Family Orientation
On Sunday, August 20th all new students and their parents are invited to attend an orientation event. It will begin at 2:30 in the auxiliary gym. Mr. Frye and other administrative staff will present information that new families need to know to be successful at GCC and there will be time for questions. Students will […]
Graduation 2023
On May 25, 2023, Greensburg Central Catholic held its 61st annual Commencement Exercises graduating 65 students. Principal J. Kevin Frye presided over the event, and Father Tyler Bandura provided the invocation. Senior class co-presidents Emma Kate Angelo and Tyler Neffield welcomed guests to the proceedings and the student speakers, selected by their class, included Elizabeth […]